Written on Sunday, February 22, 2009 by Shiv Prasad
Finally though, they have come up with something that is not only useful for the business world, but it is useful for everyone: the new voicemail to text service will take your voicemail messages, transcribe them into text, and send them to your cell phone, your personal email, or the text inbox provided by whatever company with which you choose to subscribe. And at a time when everyone is all about mobile phones, the voicemail to text service can be used with your land lines as well. In fact, if you like, you can have this service on your cell phone, home phone, and work phone; some companies even provide ways to let you sync all your phones up together.
The new
voicemail to text service is getting more and more popular, helping out everyone from college students (who do not have time to eat anything but Ramen, much less listen to a five minute voicemail that contains awkward pauses, hesitations and nonsense rambling) to the average business go getter. Voicemail to text service providers are booming, companies on web sites are offering this transcribing service for very affordable rates, and you are still able to use your regular phone number. We have all gotten those long voicemail messages from a friend, family member, or work colleage that seem to drag on forever.
Most companies which offer the voicemail to text service transcribe all your
voicemails and send them to you as text messages or emails. CallWave makes you forward your calls to a unique phone number supplied by them. However, providers like VoiceBox and PhoneTag do not require you to change your number at all, and the functionality of your current voicemail system will remain exactly the same - you simply will not necessarily need to use it; that will be your choice. In any case, your voicemails are processed by an automated speech recognition engine and sent to you in about four or five minutes on
India SEO Company.
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Free Online Games,
Home Tips,
Latest News,
Written on Thursday, February 19, 2009 by Shiv Prasad
Online Gaming is a popular form of entertainment and some people have the perception that they are useful in relieving stress and they are sufficient to give you better refreshment.
Today’s online gaming makes you become a very important part of the game you are playing. They offer you to explore your Ideas make a new target and become the number one winner of game.Online Games are one of the most discussion points between kids. There are many type of online games are available on web like shooting and racing that keep the game interesting till the completion of them.
Free online war and racing games provides us many features life single or multiplayer facility. Some of game requires several members. You can download free games if you are alone then there is another important facility provided by game owners that you can invite several members online to play with you. Shooting war games and fantasy war games are all quintessential components of the online war games and the ones that are free.
There are some education and puzzle games available on web some of them are useful to learn the cooking, dressing, and they are also used in collages and schools. Cooking and Dress Up Games are most widely used by girls to learn cooking.
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Free Online Games
Written on Friday, February 06, 2009 by Shiv Prasad

Eicra Soft Ltd is a professional Internet strategy and Web design company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We specialize in best-in-class website design, online marketing, Flash multimedia, corporate identity and print graphics. Here at Eicra Soft Ltd, we believe that a quality product will emerge when you combine a client’s brilliant ideas, the creative imagination of our designers and expertise of our development team.
Whether you are building a complete brand from scratch or improving an existing design, our staff of designers, programmers, writers, and marketers, will provide you with unsurpassed quality and dedication to your project.
We have a large team for both Web Development and SEO which can execute the campaigns at a much lower cost than what you have in house. Eicra Soft is a fastest growing offshore website design and development company, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh offers phenomenal solutions for its numerous satisfied clients across the glob in a very nominal price.
Eicrasoft customizes works and reports in such way that end client never know that his/her project being Outsourced to us! That's what -we have long and happy clientele behind us who are basically agencies based in Australia, US, UK and Canada!
We've experienced team of web developers and designers who have potential expertise in their domain and they are competent to implement A.D.A ( Attention, Desire and Action) factor to website for visitor to convert him into a potential customer.
Eicra Soft Ltd provide following services
1. PHP/mySQL
2. Joomla & Content Management System
3. Flash Website
4. PHP Web Script & Readymade Script
5. Flash Programming
6 Web design
7. Domain Hosting
8. Graphic design
9. Ajax technology
Offshore Outsourcing web Design
As an Offshore web design, development and consulting company with offices in UK, US, Australia, Eicra Soft Ltd have a client base across the globe. eicrasoft.com can give your company, a professional online presence which you would require to serve your customers. Our offshore web design experts will layout your company 's message and information in a professional, clean look at affordable price from India. Whether you need to start from scratch with a brand new site, or you just need a makeover for your existing web site, we are glad to help.
Though at the cutting-edge, Eicra Soft Ltd continue to offer unsurpassed value by maintaining a strong and happy team in Bangladesh. Each member is driven by quality, and stays ahead of the game by keeping up-to-date with the latest technologies. In short, this means you get great results at a great price, and our global client base is testament to this. Contact us today and never look back. Eicra Soft Ltd WILL make your website dreams a reality.
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About The Author
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Web Hosting
Written on Friday, February 06, 2009 by Shiv Prasad
Eicra soft provides a wide range of web hosting services including Windows web hosting, Linux web hosting, dedicated servers, shared web hosting and Reseller hosting programs. we offers web hosting solutions for your website that offers maximum uptime for your online business, your website or your web portal, or e-commerce portal, and shopping cart. You need high quality web hosting services for your business that offers maximum uptime and quality server for hosting. Check out our web hosting packages and select the best for your web business or contact to discuss your hosting requirements with our hosting experts in Bangladesh. We are among those web-hosting companies in Bangladesh that provide budget hosting in Bangladesh and also budget hosting in Dhaka. As a Web Hosting Company we offer complete and comprehensive windows hosting, comprehensive web hosting solutions, Linux hosting, Email solutions, Domain name registration, payment gateway and hosting services.
Eicra Hosting offers reliable and affordable hosting for small businesses, ecommerce websites and individuals around the globe. We offer affordable web hosting, but unlike other companies our shared hosting and reseller hosting plans are reliable and stable as well. With every shared hosting or reseller hosting plan you get 99.9% uptime guarantee, therefore you can be absolutely confident that your website is online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week when you host it with Hosting.net.bd
Please take a look at our affordable web hosting plans and compare them for yourself. All our shared hosting plans come with cPanel X (the most popular and very easy-to-use web hosting control panel) and all accounts are set up within 24 hours. If you are looking for reliable and affordable hosting then Hosting.net.bd is your right choice. Biggest-Hosting.com has been in website hosting business for more than 3 years and serves more than 1,000 satisfied clients throughout the globe. Reseller hosting and shared hosting are two of our main focuses when it comes to affordable web hosting plans with 24/7 online tech support.
Our servers are hosted in USA, most advance server facilities in USA. Our Server Data Centers are powered by fully redundant systems with backup generators.
Eicra Hostin Solutions
1. PHP 5.2 /mySQL 5.0 Support
2. Secure Windows & Linux Server
2. Asp.Net/SQL Server 2005
3. Cpanel / WHM Support
4. Reseller & VPS Hosting server
5. 24 X 7 Technical support
6 99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee
7. USA Based Dallas Data Center
Professional Domain Hosting
Eicra Hosting is dedicated to providing professionals high quality stand alone servers and web hosting. we provide professional web Design including cost effective standalone servers, professional web hosting, email services, remote data back-up and more. High speed lines and disk space are only half of the commitment that you require from your webhost. Providing true support, quality service, dedication, technical competence, professionalism, integrity, and treating you as you deserve to be treated is the other half of the deal.
Bangladeshi Web Hosting provides outstanding quality, reliability and technical support. All at affordable prices. Get professional service from a company providing Web Hosting in Bangladesh for 08 years and hosts thousands of Bangladeshi domains.
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Web Hosting